AENAON Syncro Diversified


Systematic Strategies

AENAON Syncro Diversified

AENAON Syncro Diversified uses a systematic approach trading a multi-asset portfolio of Equities and major Currencies. A multi-asset strategy combines different types of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate or cash to create a more nimble and broadly diversified portfolio.

The model is a short-term volatility break-out driven system with multiple filters that applies strict risk management principles, all of which have been thoroughly back-tested.

Our systematic strategies are deployed in two different “versions”: the Absolute Return and Vanilla return profiles. Quite simply, the difference between these profiles is that the Absolute Return version applies a simple, yearly reinvestment of profits at the end of each 12-month period while the Vanilla version never reinvests any yearly profits, which are available to be withdrawn or reallocated elsewhere.


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Do you want to know more about our investment programs, our recent performance or how you can partner with AENAON Asset Management? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and the appropriate member of our team will respond to your inquiry immediately.

+30 210 6829898

9 Evripidou, Athens, Greece

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    AENAON is a technology-driven investment research company. For more than a decade, our team has been committed to systematic alpha generation, investment research, and quantitative model development. We design and develop innovative, proprietary investment strategies that deliver superior and uncorrelated returns.
    Contact Information
    14-20 Vassileos Alexandrou, Peristeri, Athens, Greece
    +30 210 5779 238
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